Posted by: Inner~Creative~Voice | December 12, 2010

Do One Creative Thing Each Day

 I drew this in my journal today. 

If I do one creative thing each day…each week, then by the end of the year I will have done 365 creative things.  So, I decided to draw this for myself.

Each time I create, I may feel it is just not that important.  But, with time…and love…and patience and daily creative practice, those little bits add up. 

Drawing it out, it looks quite “left-brain”.  However, putting things into perspective for myself clears away the clutter and gives me a clear vision.  It also shows me that that is a LOT of creative acts!

I will create one thing each day.  Put it out into the world somehow, knowing that by the end of the year all of those little pieces will connect with other’s little pieces keeping creativity flowing out into the universe.


  1. I love this. It actually appears very balanced to me, both left AND right brained. My heart warmed as I gazed at it. Brava!!

  2. […] So on with creating each day for my own life…knowing the groundwork has been set, with more joys and sorrows along the […]

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